
AI for Everyone: How Artificial Intelligence Brings Improvement for Every Role in Your Company

In his talk, Jan will take you deeper into the world of AI and show how it can enrich various areas of business, from strategic planning to manufacturing and marketing. We’ll take a detailed look at specific applications of AI that include everything from automated invoice processing, to cognitive assistants, to digital humans. We will reflect on how AI is transforming work, not replacing it, and how these changes can be linked to agility in business. We will conclude the talk with a look at the importance of an agile approach in the rapidly changing world of AI.

Jan Tyl

Honza is a researcher, entrepreneur, and promoter of artificial intelligence, as well as an award-winning creator of digital people powered by AI. Before focusing on AI, he worked for several years as a Scrum Master and a member of the development team for large financial and automotive organizations.


In 2018, Jan founded Alpha Industries in the field. Just a year later, in 2019, the company won the AI Awards for the best idea in the field of artificial intelligence for the Digital Philosopher project, which brings famous philosophers back to life using AI, including the famous hero of the Velvet Revolution, Vaclav Havel. This was followed by Digital Writer and Digital Writer 2.0, collaborating with significant Czech writers.


He created a digital person for the 2021 Superdebate election for Czech Television, which asked politicians unusual questions. Jan has also developed a range of other AI-based solutions, namely the emotion detector, insult detector, DigiGoethe, and DigiHavel.